

发表日期:2021年11月14日 20:24 文章编辑: 浏览次数:必赢唯一官方网站


















中国科学院海岸带研究所青年导师访问学者;Global Change Biology、Functional Ecology、Environmental Research Letters、Plos One、Environmental Research Communications等国际SCI学术期刊审稿专家。








1. Li Y., Tian D. S., Wang J. S., Niu S. L., Tian J., Ha D. L., Qu Y. X., Jing G. W., Kang X. M.*, Song B.* 2019. Differential mechanisms underlying responses of soil bacterial and fungal communities to nitrogen and phosphorus inputs in a subtropical forest. Peerj 7.

2. Li Y., Wu H. D., Wang J. Z., Cui L. J., Tian D. S., Wang J. S., Zhang X. D., Yan L., Yan Z. P., Zhang K. R., Kang X. M. *, Song B.* 2019. Plant biomass and soil organic carbon are main factors influencing dry-season ecosystem carbon rates in the coastal zone of the Yellow River Delta. Plos One 14(1).

3. Song B.,Sun J., Zhou Q. P., Zong N., Li L. H., Niu S. L. 2017. Initial shifts in nitrogen impact on ecosystem carbon fluxes in an alpine meadow: Patterns and causes. Biogeosciences 14(17): 3947-3956.

4. Song B., Niu S. L., Wan S. Q. 2016. Precipitation regulates plant gas exchange and its long-term response to climate change in a temperate grassland. Journal of Plant Ecology 9(5): 531-541.

5. 宋冰, 牛书丽. 2016. 全球变化与陆地生态系统碳循环研究进展. 西南民族大学学报(自然科学版) 42(01): 14-23. (约稿文章)

6. Song B., Niu S. L., Li L. H., Zhang L. X., Yu G. R. 2014. Soil carbon fractions in grasslands respond differently to various levels of nitrogen enrichments. Plant and Soil 384(1-2): 401-412.

7. Song B., Niu S. L., Luo R. S., Luo Y. Q., Chen J. Q., Yu G. R., Olejnik J., Wohlfahrt G., Kiely G., Noormets A., et al. 2014. Divergent apparent temperature sensitivity of terrestrial ecosystem respiration. Journal of Plant Ecology 7(5): 419-428.

8. Song B., Niu S. L., Zhang Z., Yang H. J., Li L. H., Wan S. Q. 2012. Light and heavy fractions of soil organic matter in response to climate warming and increased precipitation in a temperate steppe. Plos One 7(3).

9. 薛鹏飞, 赵英, 宋冰*, 2021. 草地生态系统植物群落及碳交换对气候变暖的响应. 生态科学, 接收.


1. Quan Q., Zhang F. Y., Jiang L., Chen H. Y. H., Wang J. S., Ma F. F., Song B., Niu S. L. 2021. High-level rather than low-level warming destabilizes plant community biomass production. Journal of Ecology. 109 (4):1607-1617.

2. Li J. B., Zhao Y., Zhang A. F., Song B., Hill R. L. 2021. Effect of grazing exclusion on nitrous oxide emissions during freeze-thaw cycles in a typical steppe of Inner Mongolia. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 307:107217.

3. Ma F. F., Song B., Quan Q., Zhang F. Y., Wang J. S., Zhou Q. P., Niu S. L. 2020. Light competition and biodiversity loss cause saturation response of aboveground net primary productivity to nitrogen enrichment. Journal of Geophysical Research- Biogeosciences 125(3).

4. Ma F. F., Zhang F. Y., Quan Q., Song B., Wang J. S., Zhou Q. P., Niu S. L. 2020. Common Species Stability and Species Asynchrony Rather than Richness Determine Ecosystem Stability Under Nitrogen Enrichment. Ecosystems 24 (3):686-698.

5. Gu X. Y., Wang Y. H., Laanbroek H. J., Xu X. F., Song B., Huo Y. W., Chen S. P., Li L. H., Zhang L. H. 2019. Saturated N2O emission rates occur above the nitrogen deposition level predicted for the semi-arid grasslands of Inner Mongolia, China. Geoderma 341: 18-25.

6. Li Y., Hou L. Y., Song B., Wan S. Q., Sun X. Q., Li L. H. 2019. Seasonal distribution of increased precipitation in maternal environments influences offspring performance of Potentilla tanacetifolia in a temperate steppe ecosystem. Journal of Plant Ecology 12(4): 742-750.

7. Wang J. S., Song B., Ma F. F., Tian D. S., Li Y., Yan T., Quan Q., Zhang F. Y., Li Z. L., Wang B. X., et al. 2019. Nitrogen addition reduces soil respiration but increases the relative contribution of heterotrophic component in an alpine meadow. Functional Ecology 33(11): 2239-2253.

8. Ma F. F., Song B., Zhang F. Y., Quan Q., Zhou Q. P., Niu S. L. 2018. Ecosystem carbon use efficiency is insensitive to nitrogen addition in an alpine meadow. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 123(8): 2388-2398.

9. Li Y., Hou L. Y., Song B., Yang L. Y., Li L. H. 2017. Effects of increased nitrogen and phosphorus deposition on offspring performance of two dominant species in a temperate steppe ecosystem. Scientific Reports 7.

10. Zhang F. Y., Quan Q., Song B., Sun J., Chen Y. J., Zhou Q. P., Niu S. L. 2017. Net primary productivity and its partitioning in response to precipitation gradient in an alpine meadow. Scientific Reports 7.

11. Niu S. L., Xing X. R., Zhang Z., Xia J. Y., Zhou X. H., Song B., Li L. H., Wan S. Q. 2011. Water-use efficiency in response to climate change: from leaf to ecosystem in a temperate steppe. Global Change Biology 17(2): 1073-1082.



2.中国博士后科学基金面上项目:植物功能性状对高寒草甸植物群落响应氮添加的调控机制 (2017M620951),2017-2018,主持。



